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Graphic Designer Vacancy at PMD Hospitality

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Are you interested in middle east job vacancies? We are at your help. Today we are sharing a few of the vacancies in the middle east. Kindly read completely to know more about the openings in detail.

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Job details

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PMD Hospitality is a hospitality asset management portfolio in Azerbaijan with a focus on wellness and leisure segments. The first team of hospitality experts has been formed back in 2016, as a part of PMD Group LLC, with later transformation to a standalone corporate entity in 2018. From the very beginning, PMD Hospitality aimed to contribute to the tourism ecosystem evolution and expansion of the non-oil sector of the economy via developing various hospitality assets, growing the local experts base, demonstrating operational excellence, and assuring corporate social responsibility, and sustainable economic growth in the country regions. PMD Hospitality’s property portfolio consists of several operational 5-star hotels. Aside from this, PMD Hospitality sets the highest priority for the further development of Azerbaijan’s hospitality service delivery chain.


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How to apply?

You can apply through the 'Apply Now' button or send CV to the given mail. The link over the job listing can also be used to apply directly.

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